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That's a
Funny Easter Bunny
"Egg Lib" game!

Add a few simple words and the Easter Bunny
will make a funny story for you!

"Egg Libs" are really fun and easy word games. Just add words using the hints to make a very funny bunny Egg Lib story!

Your Words Go Here!

Do you think you really know the Easter Bunny?

🐰 Well, let's find out! 🐰

A body part (plural)

A word that describes buttermilk pancakes: 

A word to describe an animal: 

A type of exercise (ending in **)

A word to describe stinky cheese: 

A word to describe something you like: 

A body part (singular)

Your first name: 

All About The Easter Bunny!

Now just tap the "Click here!" button below and see how well you know the Easter Bunny!

Play More Egg Libs!

Your Easter Reminder

Get a reminder to come back to closer to Easter! Come back on Easter's Eve Day to track the Easter Bunny on his famous trip!